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Genshin Impact is an open-world action RPG. In the game, set forth on a journey across a fantasy world called Teyvat.

Explore the Lore of Genshin Impact: Delve into Remuria and the Eternal City

Remuria stands as one of Fontaine's most ancient civilizations, its roots intertwined with the dawn of Teyvat. Delve into the rich history and secret
Genshin Impact Lore: Remuria And The Eternal City (Everything You Need To Know)

Since the unveiling of Genshin Impact's Fontaine region, enthusiasts of the game have delved into fresh narratives and background tales, pivotal to the overarching storyline. Fontaine, alongside its Archon, stands distinct from prior regions, being the sole entities to outwit the Heavenly Principles and safeguard their respective Gnoses. In the recent Version 4.2 Archon Quest titled "Masquerade of the Guilty," Furina's Gnosis remained untouched by the Fatui Harbingers, with the Archon's authority returning to Neuvillette, unveiled as the Hydro Dragon Sovereign.

This quest also unveils the Ancient City of Remuria, an erstwhile civilization submerged before Fontaine's ascension. Preceding Egeria's reign, it was founded by God Remus. Within Genshin Impact, Wriothesley acquaints players with Remus and his vessel, The Fortuna, credited with rescuing denizens from Celestia's tidal fury, providing insight into the lore surrounding this lost civilization.

The Golden Age Of Remuria

The dawn of Teyvat's history marks the arrival of the Primordial One, signaling humanity's awakening to the allure of Celestia's power in Genshin Impact. Millennia of rigid governance led to a coveting of divine status. In response to humanity's hubris, the Primordial One submerged their cities beneath relentless rainfall for a hundred days, a cleansing flood intended to purge sin and arrogance, compelling humanity to rebuild from scratch. When the waters receded, civilizations lay in ruin, their knowledge lost to the deluge.

In the aftermath, humanity reverted to a primal state, akin to beasts, devoid of purpose. Fontaine languished for millennia until the intervention of God King Remus from Sumeru. Arriving on his Golden Fortuna, Remus ushered in a new era, teaching agricultural techniques, settlement building, and the appreciation of music and art, distinguishing humanity from other creatures.

Under Remus's immortal rule, Remuria flourished, with Capitolium as its heart, resonating with the harmony of artistic expression. The realm became a sanctuary for creatives, intellectuals, and musicians, its theaters and palaces resounding with the most melodious tunes. Harmony reigned supreme, akin to a symphony, with King Remus personally ensuring perfection in every aspect of life.

The Four Harmosts

In the expansive realm of Remuria within Genshin Impact, the task of governing fell heavily upon Remus. Recognizing the enormity of the responsibility, he wisely selected four individuals of exceptional prowess to serve as his Harmost, each entrusted with overseeing a distinct region of the Eternal City. To empower them effectively, Remus granted them a portion of his divine authority, enabling them to wield governance and influence akin to his own. Regrettably, this act of sharing divine power proved to be a double-edged sword, as it ignited a spark of corruption and avarice among the mortal appointees. This gradual descent into greed ultimately sparked a rebellion, shattering the once illustrious Kingdom.

The Fall Of Remuria

As Remuria flourished in Genshin Impact, its technological prowess surged, fulfilling Remus' vision of crafting an unparalleled civilization sustained by the "harmonious symphony of prosperity." Amidst the idyllic aspirations of its inhabitants, ominous prophecies foretold doom: "The mightiest empire shall meet utter annihilation." Determined to defy fate and attain eternal existence, Remus resolved to forge absolute unity among Remuria's populace. To achieve this, he embarked on a campaign to quash dissenters (such as the Lochfolk, Vishaps, and indigenous Fontaine tribes), ultimately concocting the Golden Ichor by melding primordial water with an immortal stone.

This essence serves as the vessel for the souls and intellects of all Remurians. It was then infused into Golems, bodies crafted from stone with this essence coursing as their lifeblood. Remus, consumed by his ambitions, succumbed to a slumber, leaving Boethius, his loyal Harmost, to perpetuate his legacy by further polluting the primordial waters in Genshin Impact.

Rebellion Of Scylla And The Barbarians

This essence serves as the vessel for the souls and intellects of all Remurians. It was then infused into Golems, bodies crafted from stone with this essence coursing as their lifeblood. Remus, consumed by his ambitions, succumbed to a slumber, leaving Boethius, his loyal Harmost, to perpetuate his legacy by further polluting the primordial waters in Genshin Impact.

Remus, Boethius, Scylla, and the people of Remuria found themselves overwhelmed by an unstoppable tempest, symbolizing the Abyss. The Golden Ichor, their source of sustenance, succumbed to the relentless grasp of the Primordial Sea. Those fortunate enough to survive returned to primal instincts for survival. Throughout history, it's reiterated that Fontainian civilizations falter due to their relentless pursuit of power, defying prophetic warnings. Today's Fontanian society is a fusion of Remurian descendants and Fontanian tribes, united under the guidance of Egeria, the current Hydro Archon from Genshin Impact.

King Remus, Sybilla and Scylla

Originally hailing from Sumeru, Remus Sebastos of Genshin Impact was renowned as a troubadour of the desert oases in his native land. When Sumeru fell under the dominion of King Deshret, Remus staunchly refused to yield to his authority. Opting to wander in search of a sanctuary to meet his end, fate led him to stumble upon the remnants of a forgotten city.

Inhabited solely by Sybilla, a former guardian entrusted with the protection of Irminsul, and other enigmatic Golden Bees, these ruins held a prophecy. It was foretold that Remus would chance upon this desolate site, founding a thriving realm whose pursuit of justice would ultimately prove its undoing.

Embracing his destiny, Remus witnessed the transformation of the Irminsul tree into the golden vessel Fortuna. Thus began the maritime realm of Remuria, where Remus, sailing across the High Seas, shared his wisdom with humanity in the aftermath of catastrophe. Utilizing the Fortuna, he rallied tribes from the Fontaine region to his vision of a harmonious future, marking the dawn of his illustrious reign.

Upon Sybilla's ominous prophecy of Remuria's downfall, she directed him to seek counsel from Egeria, imprisoned in the depths of the Primordial Sea in Genshin Impact for humanity's original transgression.

This is the fateful meeting ground of Scylla and Remus, where Scylla, guardian of Egeria's prison, encountered him. Their clash endured for a month, yet eventually, Scylla relented, intrigued by Remus' proposition. Permitting him entry to Egeria, their hopes were dashed as Egeria couldn't offer aid. Instead, she bestowed upon him a chalice brimming with water from the Primordial Sea, the essence for forging the Golden Ichor. Through the melding of Sybilla's wisdom with Remus' might, Phobos was born. The "Ascended" Remurians, bestowed with eternal life, grew haughty, deeming themselves superior to all, including humanity.

Sybilla dedicated her life to creating Phobos, imbuing it with her longing for universal happiness. However, lacking a distinct will of its own, Phobos assimilated the destructive emotions of the ascended Remurians. This sparked conflicts against the Lochfolk, Vishaps, and various tribes. Despite Scylla's feigned "betrayal" of the Remurians through rebellion, Phobos (now having absorbed Boethius) exposed the scheme and imprisoned the Dragon Prince for the next millennium. In a final attempt at redemption, Remus from Genshin Impact endeavored to perform the last Requiem, hoping to restore the Remurians to their original state. Yet, without a dragonborn to tame the primordial waters, the eternal city succumbed to the depths, vanishing forever from sight.

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